Welcome to Masakhane Center

New Internship Alert!

Masakhane Center has a new 5-month internship starting July 2024.

Masakhane is a youth-driven organization providing community-based sexuality education in and around Newark, NJ. Masakhane’s anti-racist, pro-queer & pro-trans approach to sex-positive programming seeks to promote sexual liberation, including the right to pleasure, for marginalized communities.

"I had a wonderful experience. My time with Masakhane gave my summer purpose. I have learned so much!"

- Dyna, Summer 2020 Sexuality Educator Intern

sex positive pleasure focused sex ed

Want to learn more about our mission, guiding principles and our team?? Click below.

What We Do

Interested in the kind of workshops we facilitate? Want to know more about what we talk about? Check out our programs and workshops.

From left to right: Chanta, JV, Stephanie, celeste and Avery at Masakhane's 2023 Sex Ed Bingo at QXTs in Newark.

Interested in interning and volunteering your time, skills and knowledge? Then check out our page for more opportunities to work with us.

Get Involved


Feel free to contact us with any questions.

